The Sales History Podcast
Bringing the incredible (and sometimes strange) brains from the profession of sales' past to the 2020's - from Todd Caponi, author of The Transparency Sale & The Transparent Sales Leader.
The Sales History Podcast
What History Got Right: Setting Sales Quotas
“It is far better that the quota be right than that it be simple.” – 1926
Something odd struck me as I was investigating the origins of quotas and variable compensation. 75-100 years ago, organizations did MUCH MORE with MUCH LESS data. Today, not sure anyone could claim that quota setting is in a good state - and I think I know why.
In this episode, we explore how quotas were set back then...much more correctly...and why there's a very real way for us to fix it today.
(I will be doing another episode on quotas & variable compensation structures...today is just focused on an era of when quotas were set right!)
@saleshistorian on Instagram - daily quotes, pics & comics from the past
@saleshistorian on Twitter - daily quotes, pics & comics from the past
The Transparent Sales Leader - my newest book which includes a number of quotes and lessons from sales' past.
The Transparency Sale - the first book, (ironically) named one of the top 100 sales books of all time.