The Sales History Podcast
Bringing the incredible (and sometimes strange) brains from the profession of sales' past to the 2020's - from Todd Caponi, author of The Transparency Sale & The Transparent Sales Leader.
The Sales History Podcast
The Low Prestige of the Sales Profession
A once admired profession, taught in colleges and high schools in the early 1900s, was detested by the 1960s. Why? And can we get our mojo back?
In this episode, we explore a 1965 study on what makes a profession prestigious matched up against the profession of sales - and why at least one scholar believes we may never get back to once was both trusted and respected!
The new book, The Transparent Sales Leader, is NOW AVAILABLE for pre-sale and will launch on July 5th. Chock full of takes and quotes from sales history, this book lays out a structure for sales leadership, optimized for science, and all on a bed of sincerity and transparency. Order now for Kindle and Paperback. https://www.amzn.com/B0B23DZHFR/